Calibration Failure

In some rare situations the calibration routine may fail without any warning

The calibration process should go down to probe the bed 3 or more times and take about 2 minutes before it is completed.(Click here to learn how to activate the Calibration routine) 

Calibration Failure can produce these problems:


1. Uneven printing of first layer

2. Print is too close to the bed causing extruder motor to make ‘clicking sound’

3. Prints warp or lift up from the bed, since the nozzle is too far away

4. Hot end scrapes against the bed and no filament comes out.

5. Print is too far away from bed or ‘printing mid-air’

The only way is to fix a calibration error is to run the calibration routine until it works correctly. If you are having the problems, then you should visually check the calibration routine. 

 Checking the Calibrate Routine visually for Failure


Initiate the Calibration Routine

1. First it will heat up and retract the filament 5mm


2. You will then see the menu change to read 'Preheating'


3. Once the printer is heated up, it will initiate the routine to calibrate the bed.


4. Calibration Failure will occur during this part of the routine. 



The calibration routine will fail while it is touching down (probing) the center point. It will then return to its home position then move on to the ‘Calibrating Height’ portion. If this happens, clean the tip of the nozzle again. Make sure no filament is on the tip and rerun the 'Calibrate Bed' function

Note: Though this doesn’t happen often, every once in a while it can, and it will make printing a challenge. 

5. Once the Calibrate Bed part is over, it will move on to calibrating the height. It is important this works otherwise it will print too far away from the bed, or in the middle of the air.


6. Once completed, you should see the height change to somewhere around 288. If not, then you will need to re-install your firmware
