Though the PrintSpace Altair printer is currently in the Simplify 3D menu, we have our own Profile Settings. After installing our settings you will have more options in filament, and a better printing experience. Check this article every now and then for the latest recommended settings. We will walk you step-by-step on how to install this 'alternate' Altair profile to Simplify 3D. 

Installing the 'Altair' Profile:

1. Download the file called Altair V1&2 Settings 12_6_2016.fff below.


2. From the main screen in Simplify 3D select "File" and then a little over half way down there is an option that says "Import FFF". Select this option and then find the file you just downloaded and hit open.

3. Select the "Edit Process Settings" and up near the top there is a drop down list that is probably set at "Default". Click on it and then select "Altair Settings" Date.

4. Simplify 3D will now show 'Altair' in the 'Select Profile' settings. Happy Printing!