Getting filaments to stick to the build layer can sometimes be a tricky. The table below share some tips on how you can get a good first layer for your print. 

As a general note: Keep your build surface clean by wiping it down regularly between prints with an alcohol wipe this will make your BuildTak last a lot longer and increase the success of your prints.

Material Bed Material Bed Temperature Notes
PLA BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
45 degrees C
45 degrees C
45 degrees C
PLA sticks pretty well to most build surfaces but if you are having trouble wipe down your build surface with an alcohol wipe to clean the surface.
ABS BuildTak
100 degrees C
100 degrees C
100 degrees C
Kapton tape works well with ABS but you can also use adhesives such as glue sticks, ABS slurry, or hairspray.Make sure your cooling fans are also turned off and that you are are using an enclosure if you have one. 
Nylon BuildTak
Blue Tape
55 degrees C
55 degrees C
55 degrees C
Use a thin coating of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) on the glass or on painters tape helps the first layer stick well to the bed and prevents warping.
T-glase (PETT) BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
75 degrees C
45 degrees C
45 degrees C
Use a thin coating of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) on the glass or on painters tape helps the first layer stick well to the bed and prevents warping.
Poly-Flex BuildTak
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
0 degrees C
The best material for Poly-flex is blue painters tape.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced PLA BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
Make sure your BuildTak or glass is clean by wiping it down with an alcohol wipe before you print
Poly-Plus PLA BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
Poly-Plus sticks pretty well to most build surfaces but if you are having trouble wipe down your build surface with an alcohol wipe to clean the surface.
Poly Max-PLA BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
0 degrees C
Poly-Max sticks pretty well to most build surfaces but if you are having trouble wipe down your build surface with an alcohol wipe to clean the surface.
BluPrint BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
75 degrees C
95 degrees C
95 degrees C
Make sure your BuildTak or glass is clean by wiping it down with an alcohol wipe before you print
Taulman Alloy 910 BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
80 degrees C
80 degrees C
80 degrees C
If you are still having problems with warping you can use a thin layer of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) to help the first layer stick well.
Bronze Fill BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
These materials stick very well to the heated bed so you can use the same settings as PLA
Copper Fill BuildTak
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
60 degrees C
These materials stick very well to the heated bed so you can use the same settings as PLA
Tech-G BuildTak
Glass + 
Blue Tape
70 degrees C
70 degrees C
70 degrees C
Use a thin coating of PVA (Elmer's Glue Stick) to help the first layer stick well. Don't let the heated bed cool down all the way before you pull your part off, it will come off easier and will reduce chances of breaking the glass
Glass +
Blue Tape
90 degrees C
90 degrees C
90 degrees C
If you are still having problems with warping you can use a thin layer of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) to help the first layer stick well.
Build Tak is also the suggested material by the supplier
PETG Taulman
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
70 degrees C
70 degrees C
70 degrees C
.If you are still having problems with warping you can use a thin layer of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) to help the first layer stick well.
Polycarbonate (PC)
Clean Glass
Blue Tape
80 degrees C
80 degrees C
80 degrees C
PolyCarbonate is the fastest cooling material, an cardboard encloser and high heat and a thin layer of PVA glue (Elmer's Glue Stick) to help the first layer stick well. 

These settings should get you in the ballpark and should give you good results. Feel free to play with different temperatures and settings to get your prints stick and release even better and please share with us if you find something that works for you.