Bed Cleaning & Care

BuildTak Flex Plate 


To extend the life of your BuildTak Flex Plate you will need to wipe it with alcohol after each print. This also removes oils and dirt that will prevent future prints from sticking to the bed. 

For more information about how to care for your BuildTak

Mounted Aluminum Bed

The aluminum bed needs cleaning as well. Before replacing the BuildTak Flex Plate, make sure there is nothing on the aluminum bed. Anything between the flexplate and the aluminum bed will cause the bed to not be level.

Bed slipping and shifting during print

If you notice that the bed is slipping and shifting during the print please make sure that both the bottom of the BuildTak Flex Plate and the top of the aluminum heated bed are throughly clean. You may also increase the friction between these surfaces to reduce slipping by sanding the bottom of the flex plat with emery cloth or sand paper as shown in the picture below. Please make sure the sanded surface is washed off with rubbing alcohol and completely clean before reinstalling.