Simplify 3D is a good software package for power users and users who wish to have more control and detail in their 3D prints. This is a paid software package that runs $149, but they do offer a risk free trial period for two weeks.

To get started with Simplify 3D:

1. Go to > Buy Now.

2. Create an account and purchase the software. 

3. After purchasing, you should end up on a page like this. 

4. Select your operating software and then hit the green "Download Software Installer". Follow the prompts from the installer to get it installed on your computer.

5. After installation a window will open asking you to enter in your account name and password to verify that you are licensed for the software. 

6. After entering your information a setup assistant will open to help you setup your printer to work with Simplify3D.

7. The first screen will ask what Printer you have. Scroll through and select "PrintSpace Altair".

8. Click on "Next" and then click on finish.

Congratulations! Your Simplify 3D should be all set and ready to go! To learn about using Simplify 3D and how to use it read our article "Getting started with Simplify3D".


You may Download the "PrintSpace Altair .FFF" profile attached at the bottom of this page. These profile settings are not necessary to get started and print, but may be helpful in the future. The following are directions to import the .FFF file. 
1. On the main screen in Simplify 3D, in the top right corner select "File" and then "Import FFF profile". 

11. It will bring open your file explorer. Find where you saved the downloaded FFF profile. Once found, select it, and then hit "Open". This import the 'Altair' profile settings for you to use. Happy Printing!